Hasanuddin Ali

Founder & CEOHassanudin

Summary of experience.
Hasanuddin Ali has research experience in more than 15 years and perform his good achievement in managing market research in variety of industry such as consumer goods, financial institution, pharmaceutical industry, telecommunication, cigarette industry, and many others.

Areas of expertise
Marketing Research Specialist
Measurement Tools Development
Business and Management Analysis

Prior work experience
2008 – 2010 Chief Operation, MarkPlus Insight
2011 – 2012, Chief Executive, MarkPlus Insight

Bachelor of science, Major: Statistic, Sepuluh November Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya

Selected experience
Conduct marketing studies, Positioning, Segmentation, Corporate Image, Product Research, and Customer satisfaction and Loyalty Research for Banking, consumer goods, telecommunications, automotive, transportation, and mining industry, and government

Columnist in Jawa Pos, Merdeka.com, Beritasatu.com